Just how Virtual Staff Are Supporting Me Achieve The Some Hour Work Day


For most of the thinking behind a four-hour, do-the-job week seems impossible. Often the four-hour work day, conversely, is certainly attainable. I’ve been setting off on the path of performing just 20 hours each week. That’s four hours daily from Monday to Monday. I’m not there nevertheless, but I’m on the way. In June, I made an enormous decision. I hired my very own first virtual staff member. Internet staff will be key to my very own achieving the four-hour workday (and maybe one day often the four-hour work week).

The difference between outsourcing in addition to virtual staff

Before we have into the process that I commenced to locate my first internet staff member, I want to talk about the between outsourcing and taking on virtual staff.

When you give your contract work to a new person or business for just a defined period of time or for just a defined project. The freelance web designer might be local or unknown, virtual or not. In this case, the time scale of interaction is restricted by a limited period of time.

Hiring internet staff is the same as hiring non-virtual staff. These people are not virtual assistants or contractors, they are employees. The distinction is important. Throughout hiring virtual staff you will be employing a person on sometimes a part-time or full-time basis (I recommend full-time) to function for and with you covering the long-term.
Freelancers and electronic staff compared


Choosing freelancers is generally more expensive. Generally paid per hour or each task.
Virtual staff is usually more cost-effective as they are part-time or maybe full-time.


Freelancers will often be specialists.
Virtual staff can certainly help with a wider range of responsibilities.


Virtual staff tends to form a relationship based upon ongoing contact.
Freelancers can move to where the work is usually.


Virtual staff call for training and will use the expertise in the future with their employer.
Virtual assistants take their knowledge using them for other contracts.

I am not necessarily suggesting that you should not work with freelancers. However, you must know when to use a freelancer and once to use virtual staff. In the event that, for example, you require a new emblem, a freelancer will be well-suited to the task. This requires skill. So, use freelancers intended for projects and virtual staff members to help you with your day-to-day surgical procedures.
Finding virtual staff

This first foray into outsourcing techniques started at Odesk. We took a look at Elance as well but just didn’t such as the interface. At Odesk, We hired a lady to write out some audio. She does a decent job. This was outsourcing techniques for a project though. I provided her ongoing work as the virtual assistant but she had been only interested in her specialization. We never really got to contact form a strong relationship.

Later, We advertised on Odesk for any full-time staff member but the reaction I received was not towards the standard I desired.

I have also used Fiverr. com for a few freelance tasks. Just read was article writing and SEO advertising tasks. I got what I covered and was happy with it. However, there was no romantic relationship to speak of. I will use Fiverr. com for little once-off tasks. It’s incredible.

These days I use online jobs. ph. It’s a great site that is dedicated to connected employers along with staff located in Thailand. For a modest fee (up to $50/month) you get entry to all of the resumes in the data source. Just try to hire anybody for $50! It’s a take. You can find staff who can help all aspects of your business (or life). There are programmers, SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING marketers, customer service reps, makers, assistants, and more. This is probably the top site I’ve found in the last year.

Why The Philippines?

Pinoy tug of war zero Before I got serious about getting virtual staff members I did a great deal of research. The experts – Kemudian Andrews, John Jonas, Frank Ducker & Tyrone Shum – all advocated choosing only Filipino staff. My spouse and I dug deeper to find out precisely why.

It’s simply a cultural issue. Filipinos are hard-working, dedicated, and honest. They want to job and will do a great job so as to impress their employer. Likewise, there is a degree of prestige in working for a foreign employer. This may not be the same attitude as you may find in prospects from the sub-continent or eastern Europe or maybe Africa. Now, I have practically nothing against any of these regions. I possess only even hired staff members from The Philippines and America, so I personally cannot communicate issues when hiring elsewhere. What I can say on the other hand is that even in the answers to my search for personnel, those from The Philippines were out from the crowd.

An additional benefit for me personally is that The Philippines is very near to Australia. There’s only a two-hour time difference which means I can converse with the staff in real-time when needed.
My first virtual worker

Jeffrey is my very first employee. He is a young guy from Iligan City. I discovered his resume on online jobs. ph and contacted your pet directly. He replied inside the hour with a wonderful e-mail. He is very passionate and has decent experience. After a few days of thinking, I provided him with the position. Jeffrey is actually assisting me with generating the traffic and website development and maintenance. This individual consistently does more than We ask. His dedication is actually infectious. I find personally them wanting to work with as much strength as he does.
Exactly how this helps me

Jeffrey’s primary tasks are:

SEO advertising
website development, and
website repair

This frees me approximately do the things that are important for you to my online business development (and also the things that I like to do). I determined that the most important tasks are:

generating compelling content
developing important products and services
interacting with my internet community

These are the only tasks that I am now completing. Jeffrey now takes care of the things that I used to be previously neglecting or undertaking badly or despising web site tried to get them done.

Really win-win

I want to make it properly clear that I am not simply giving the shitty responsibilities to Jeffrey. Before choosing him I asked him precisely what his ideal job can be. Based on his response I now present tasks that fit the dream job. And it signifies I can now complete the project I like.

From a financial standpoint, I now have a staff member who I pay a small percentage of what a less certified local person would charge and I don’t have to worry about income taxes and other associated staff charges. And Jeffrey is getting compensated a wage that is similar to a good local wage. Immediately, he will get a raise and will also be earning more than most of their friends.

Adam, are you truly working four hours each day?

I’m well on the way to operating four hours a day. Keep in mind that happy each and every day. At present, We work in a focused method for around four hours however get home a fiddle about with a few bits and pieces. As I obtain things organized a bit more I am going to clearly define work as well as nonwork times.

Today, I am going to work no more than four hrs.

What you can do right now

Regardless of your work or your life goals, We guarantee a virtual worker can help you. There is a benefit when you get assistance just for your personal living if not for your business. It may seem you can’t find 40 hrs of work for someone. You are able to. And it won’t cost a lot. Yesterday I found someone who desired full-time work for what equated to AU$100 a month. For the sure price, it doesn’t matter what they do for yourself and it doesn’t matter when you only have 20 hours involving work to start with. Read also: https://celestelarchitect.com/category/business/