Using a Trail Camera to Observe Wildlife


Trail cameras (commonly referred to as camera traps) are becoming an increasingly common tool in wildlife research. Utilizing heat or motion detectors, trail cameras allow researchers to collect images and video without the presence of humans being necessary. Best way to find the camera trap.

The Spypoint LINK-MICRO-S-LTE does not offer video recording or high pixel counts (16 MP) but has an impressive trigger speed and an affordable price point. Furthermore, its connectivity with cellular providers means your images can be delivered right to your phone!

Tracking Wildlife Numbers

Trail cameras (or “game cameras” for hunters) are an effective tool for observing wildlife without disturbing it. Motion or heat detection triggers pictures taken by these cameras placed in natural environments and left without human interference. Ideal for watching shy nature that prefers staying out of reach from humans, trail cams have become increasingly popular field observation methods among researchers as well as hunters alike.

At present, numerous camera trap survey methods have been designed to increase the accuracy and quality of data collected on wildlife using these systems. These techniques vary in terms of camera deployment at individual microsites as well as spacing between cameras; however, not much research has compared how these factors influence survey results; this study seeks to address this gap by investigating camera number/spacing effects on detecting American marten, fisher, snowshoe hare, short-tailed weasel, and coyote detection rates.

Chandler and Royle (2013) developed a spatial mark-resight model (Chandler & Royle, 2013; Royle et al., 2014) that utilizes detections from multiple cameras to identify individual animals and calculate activity centers while taking into account spatial correlation of detections as well as spatial correlation of detections to estimate population density. The model has several advantages, including being capable of accurately predicting species densities while also accommodating differences across sites without setting arbitrary cut-off points in animal detection numbers or creating cut-off points in animals detected, cutting off issues that limit species densities while accommodating any variation among sites or species densities being estimated.

Increased camera count had an immediate, substantial effect on detection success across six species tested, collapsing daily detections into binary values 0 or 1 at each camera and creating detection histories at each one. As the distance between cameras decreased, so too did its influence on detection, although for certain species, such as American marten and fisher, increases were less pronounced over longer transect lengths.

Considering both climate and usage when selecting a camera to monitor wildlife is of utmost importance when making this purchase. Look for weather-resistant models equipped with no-glow flash to avoid disturbing any wildlife. There is a range of budget to professional level models available; look for ones with a built-in SD card reader so that photos can quickly be reviewed without needing to transfer them via computer; batteries should last enough until completion of surveying activity.

Observing Animal Behaviour

Employing camera traps to monitor animal behavior has become an indispensable resource for conservation managers and landowners. By tracking animals across a landscape, an accurate picture can be drawn of the abundance of species present and their activities during certain times of the day or night.

Trail cameras typically are activated by motion-detecting heat or an infrared flash and take either still photos or video footage, providing us with a means to record wildlife activity in the wild and better understand nocturnal mammals whose habits can often remain hidden from us. They are also great ways of seeing how landscapes change over time – for instance, when roads are constructed, or habitats are altered due to human interventions.

When setting up a trail camera, ensure it remains hidden from any animals who could potentially scavenge it. This is particularly crucial when targeting high-value species such as deer; cameras can quickly be destroyed by curious wildlife! To keep this from happening, try to camouflage it within an environment in which the target species frequent (a cedar tree might work great!).

Additionally, consider where your camera is pointed – be it sun or shade – this can have a significant effect on the quality of images and videos captured; the direct sun will produce underexposed footage that’s difficult to distinguish animals in.

Adjust your camera settings accordingly, experimenting with both sensitivity and trigger speed (if adjustable) to see how they affect detection rates. Fast-moving animals such as birds or rodents will require higher trigger speed/sensitivity settings, while for animals with thick bodies like hedgehogs, a lower sensitivity setting may work better as it will only activate when an animal enters its detection zone.

Monitoring Animal Populations

Camera traps can provide valuable insight into animal populations that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain through traditional survey techniques, and this information can then be used as the foundation of conservation and management decisions.

There are various methods for monitoring animal presence in the wild, with results varying widely depending on accuracy, effort, cost, and expertise needed. At ARI, we have long advocated using cameras as wildlife monitoring tools due to their ease of use – cameras can often remain unattended for weeks at a time with low costs involved; camera traps, in particular, make an ideal tool for tracking activity from nocturnal mammals where most species reside.

Camera traps provide invaluable insight into the behavior of both common and rare animals, including prey and predators, but it is essential to acknowledge some limitations of this data. For example, detection rates can vary greatly depending on environmental conditions (temperature/rainfall levels/location of camera trap) or its impact (such as animals moving beneath or over detection zones or between detection bands; Meek et al. 2016).

To maximize detections at each site, intermittent sampling (repositioning cameras periodically within the site) is highly recommended in order to increase species detections. Reconyx PC900/HC600 cameras were found able to capture more images of numbats (Numbatidae) than stationary Swift 3C wide-angle cameras during trials conducted across Western Australia’s Pilbara bioregion (Fig 2).

Since 2012, ARI has been running an extensive WildCount (public release of mammal detections from motion-sensing cameras) program in NSW. Data collected at WildCount sites has led to new records of threatened species being found at these locations, identification of feral cats within reserves and natural parks, and first recorded sightings of koalas within some accounts – with this information helping inform management activities in these areas and also providing insights into any gaps in knowledge or monitoring gaps that have existed previously.


Surveillance can be invaluable for studying wildlife. A trail camera in australia can allow you to monitor an area and capture images or video of animals as they move about, making these cameras perfect for hunters or any animal enthusiast who wants to observe animal behavior and track populations of rare or endangered species. Furthermore, trail cameras can help monitor nest ecology, estimate species richness, and explore habitat use – not to mention scientific research applications!

There are various trail cameras on the market today. From those designed with just motion detection capabilities to those equipped with infrared heat sensors and invisible flashlights that minimize disturbance of wildlife – an essential feature when trying to track mammals as most are nocturnal creatures that need restful evening hours before hunting starts! – there is bound to be one that suits you and your purpose perfectly!

Most cellular trail cameras transmit images to an app on your phone that allows you to view, modify settings, and make live-streaming decisions. Some also feature live streaming with notifications whenever they detect anything – making these ideal if you need immediate information when something is seen and do not want to wait to review results on a computer later on.

Attributing success with trail cameras requires having the appropriate accessories. There are various lens attachments, trigger cables, and external flashes available that can significantly improve image and video quality, as well as mounting options designed to help conceal it and protect it from being seen or tampered with.

Solar-powered trail cameras are another great way to ensure nonstop power for your camera in remote locations, eliminating worries of running out of battery life. A model equipped with a built-in microphone and speaker also allows researchers and those interested in wildlife observation the chance to hear exactly what animals are saying while conversing back, making this tool genuinely indispensable.

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