Asphalt Paving Equipment For Sale


Paving projects demand speed and precision, which is why high-quality tools are crucial to their efficiency. From rollers to tampers and asphalt cutters, there are numerous choices available. Choose the best Asphalt Paving Contractors in Greensboro.

Material Transfer Vehicles (MTVs) aid pavers by taking HMA from end dump or bottom dump trucks for loading into their paver’s body. Some models feature independent feeder systems to minimize aggregate segregation and manual labor requirements.


Rollers are one of the essential pieces of heavy equipment used in construction. Used to compact and level materials, rollers play an integral role in creating solid foundations and smooth surfaces – but knowing about all of their variations is critical for finding one suitable to your particular project.

Rollers were first used in agriculture to break up large chunks of dirt and soil after the land had been plowed, typically pulled by animals like horses or oxen. Later on, mechanized machinery became more prevalent for this task; nevertheless, rollers remain popular today in farming and road construction projects alike. They are sometimes known as compaction rollers.

Cylindrical rollers feature one drum made of concrete or iron and require only minimal power to operate, boasting a tiny footprint with an average ground pressure of seven kg/cm2. They’re an excellent solution for smaller projects as their single-drum design makes them easy to control while exerting minimal ground pressure.

A tandem (or double drum roller) is a large machine with two steel drums connected by an operator cab that uses hydraulic pressure for compaction on sloped surfaces and asphalt roads or driveways. They’re more efficient than single-drum rollers as they cover more surface area faster. Used commonly on highways and driveways alike, as well as sloped surfaces.


Screeds are crucial components in paving, serving to spread asphalt mix evenly over the ground and determine its surface quality.

Kneading by the plate creates a stable mat that allows rollers to compact the material to its highest density, giving asphalt a long lifecycle and durability.

To maintain an optimal temperature for the screed, there are various heating methods available – electric and diesel are both viable options – to heat it to ensure the proper functioning of your asphalt mix. Which heating method you opt for depends on your application and desired asphalt mixture temperature.

When it comes to laying large quantities of asphalt, front-mounted screeds may be ideal. Their plates can be easily adjusted as your paving width changes; additionally, these allow pavers to pass over narrower areas with greater ease than would otherwise be possible with rear-mounted screeds, which tend to be limited in their scope of usage.

When purchasing asphalt paving equipment for sale, be sure to look for pavers equipped with conveyors that move asphalt mix from truck to hopper – this helps limit segregation and other factors that could diminish quality paving results. Furthermore, consider looking at the head of material – how much asphalt remains in the paver’s hopper at any one time – because an insufficient head of material will result in delays during paving operations.


Pavers are used to lay asphalt and provide minor compaction with a roller before it’s complete. Pavers can either be towed behind another vehicle or self-propelled and come in various sizes suitable for specific jobs. Furthermore, add-ons such as automated mapping capabilities and enhanced control systems can improve productivity even further.

Operators need a high level of training and expertise in order to operate pavers effectively. They should understand how the equipment functions as well as maintenance practices that should be carried out and how best to deal with issues as they arise. Pavers require regular cleaning and lubrication if you want them in good condition for long. It is also crucial that operators recognize their limitations as well as ways of adapting their abilities according to project needs.

Diesel engines typically power modern paving machines. Their main components are a tractor, hopper, distribution auger, and screed unit – each providing various functions in tandem: holding asphalt mix while forward motion occurs via tractor; leveling is accomplished via screed unit with multiple controls including automatic grade control and slope adjustments, manual grade manipulation for mat thickness/smoothness effects, etc.


Mixers are at the core of many industrial applications and processes. From homogenizing adhesive emulsions to dispersing viscous and dissimilar materials, mixing equipment is vital in ensuring efficiency and product quality. Standard designs, as well as customized versions designed specifically for particular materials or processes, may all utilize mixing equipment as the foundation of their operations.

Mixer selection is essential to the successful completion of paving projects and must ensure optimal performance and timelines. Should a mixer malfunction, production could be disrupted, leading to costly delays for the entire project. The used equipment market offers a large inventory of readily available mixers, which expedites installation and integration processes; additionally, purchasing used reduces demand for new production while lessening the environmental burden associated with industrial manufacturing.

Used mixers provide businesses with both environmental benefits and faster returns on their investments, thanks to higher productivity and cost savings that help quickly recoup their initial investments and reinvest them into operations.

By purchasing a used mixer, you can reduce long waits for new batches of concrete to arrive on site and get your team to complete projects faster without the inconvenience of waiting on trucks to deliver a fresh batch. Your clients will also appreciate your ability to deliver projects that meet or surpass their expectations!