Einstein on the Art of Thinking


You’ve probably encountered a few professors who exemplify the stereotypical absentminded professor. Those people who…They constantly have to refer to reference materials to retain what most people consider common knowledge. People with short-term memory loss have a remarkable knack for distilling seemingly incomprehensible ideas into easily digestible formulas or words once they understand. They are the original thinkers who come up with novel ideas and concepts. They represent the global population’s Albert Einsteins.

In response to questions about his academic performance, Einstein once said, “I do not clutter my brain with facts I can look up in any standard reference within two minutes.” This explanation explains why he had problems learning formulas and received low scores in school. Instead of wasting time memorizing the information, Einstein made new connections and discovered hidden patterns in the data that had previously been ignored. Thus, thanks to Einstein, a math failure, we were able to harness the atom and develop nuclear power.

The most forward-thinking CEOs of today can be compared to Albert Einstein. They have great success when asked to do it, even if they have trouble knowing exactly, step-by-step, what they do or recreating it on paper. They are masters at identifying the universal principles at work in production procedures and can use these principles to significant effect in entirely new contexts.

Leadership and its Varieties: 5 Characteristics

True Einstein thinkers are rare. Instead, there are four main types of humans.

People who are data-driven learners are *logical thinkers. To make the next choice, they need to study the data. They can’t proceed without reliable information. And without that information, they can’t tell others how to take the necessary actions.

People that think verbally are auditory learners. They are more abstract. They have the mental capacity to absorb and articulate new knowledge on paper. Despite their familiarity with the methods others use, they have difficulty adapting such practices to a unique setting.

People that are visual thinkers take in information best through pictures. They can accomplish it if you show them a picture of the process. However, they become confused if they have to read instructions without visuals, regardless of how well-worded the instructions are. The models they create of molecules look nice, but they can’t predict how a specific reaction would play out.

People who are “kinesthetic thinkers” are hands-on, action-oriented students. They can learn how to fix cars by getting their hands dirty and working on them under the guidance of an instructor. If you have a hundred vehicles lined up, they can all be serviced simultaneously. However, you should look for a different mechanic to fix what they broke if you only give them the repair manual and never show them how to do it themselves. These individuals require experiential learning yet have difficulty conveying their knowledge to others.

Imagine four concentric rings representing the four different ways of thinking. The Einsteinians cluster around the intersection.

Einstein thinkers have characteristics of all four types of thinkers but not enough of any to be truly competent in any one area. However, they can easily replicate a procedure taught in any format (verbally, in writing, visually, or through direct experience). They need to evaluate the method, calculation, or formula each time, but after doing so, they can move on to the next step and generate new ideas. They check out the map and then stick to it.

Most C-suite executives fall into one of the first four categories of intellectual pursuit. Leaders and employees who think like Albert Einstein always rise to the top. They understand what it takes to function as a CEO or in a similar role, and they can do so in any organization.

How Albert Einstein Reasoned

While it may not come naturally to most people, you may learn to think more like Einstein by analyzing the process behind everything you do. You can apply this method to other fields with the same level of success, provided you have created your roadmap for doing so. The following recommendations should be helpful.

* Inquire “Why?”

Ask yourself “why” obsessively. This allows you to pinpoint the critical junctures in any procedure. Take into account the fact that not many facets of management are specific to any one business or sector. While many specifics must be considered, the need to network internally and externally, adhere to rules and laws, and provide satisfactory customer service is universal. Hence, learn your role in each step and inquire into your motivations rather than your actions.

* Recognize Your Choices

Ask yourself these three questions whenever you’re at a crossroads:

Why am I making this choice now? 1.

2. What factors into my judgment?

3. What options do I have?

At any given juncture, you are presented with the same options. You can do nothing at all or do a succession of discrete actions. That means the possibilities are either yes/no or predetermined alternatives. Now is not the time to concentrate on the nature of the question itself but on its motivations.

Make a mind map outlining all the questions you have right now. At this juncture, is it a yes/no question or a multiple-choice question? Then, after making a choice, you should ask yourself, “Why?” When you realize you have to make a multiple-choice selection, you might make specific reference to the questions that prompted the available options. You might have to answer a yes/no question later in the business cycle. Ask “What happens if I say yes?” to any yes/no questions. What would happen if I refused? To what sorts of inquiries am I currently responding?

The unified field theory is one of the cornerstones of the physical sciences. According to this idea, the laws of physics are the same everywhere and always apply to everything. In business, it’s precisely the same. In industry, several things can be relied upon always to be the case. To think like Einstein and adapt to any situation, one must be well-versed in the truths and the processes underlying the facts.

* Surround yourself with reliable allies

You should associate with people who don’t think like you do, whether or not you find Einsteinian supposed to be second nature. Only a select handful can be like Einstein and put their thoughts into words so that others might replicate their success. But executives will have an advantage if they surround themselves with people who can communicate on their behalf. Therefore, have team members conduct interviews to help you articulate your motivations and the steps you took to get from A to B to C. Then, your team can document the entire procedure for future reference and verification. Doing so will help you and your business succeed quicker.

Let’s All Be Einsteins For a Day

If you want to realize your maximum potential and provide novel and unique ideas to the market, you need to learn to think like Albert Einstein, who saw patterns and processes behind everything he did. Remember that individuals with the most potential are also the most flexible. They have an intuitive comprehension of the procedure that underpins the accomplishments of others and can copy it with relative simplicity. Make your action plan and stick to it no matter what comes up. And if you can’t make your road map, at least get proficient at reading them. You, too, may analyze and persist until you become the next great thinker, the next Einstein.

Dr. Maurice A. Ramirez helped establish a company that offers training in disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery under the name Disaster Life Support of North America, Inc. High Alert, LLC is his consulting firm, and via it, he advises members of Congress and the Cabinet on pandemic preparedness and healthcare surge planning. Dr. Ramirez is a Senior Physician-Federal Medical Officer for the Department of Homeland Security and the Founding Chairperson of the American Board of Disaster Medicine. As the co-creator of C5RITICAL and the author of Mastery Against Adversity, he has been cited in 24 textbooks and has had countless articles published. Comments can be submitted to Dr. Ramirez at:

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